That's how many gallons of water that Master Water Steward projects help infiltrate into the soil every single year. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Stewards, that water will be able to enter the soil- watering plants and restoring groundwater reserves, instead of polluting our rivers. Read on to learn more about the other ways Stewards are helping to protect Minnesota's waters every day and check out our most recent program report here.

Since the start of the program in 2013, Mater Water Stewards has welcomed a new class of Stewards every year. Initially partnered with one watershed district for the start of the program, Master Water Stewards has now expanded to engage a variety of partner organizations including watershed districts, cities, counties, and nonprofits.

Master Water Stewards serve their communities in a variety of ways. From hosting outreach events to garden plantings, Master Water Stewards are raising awareness about the importance of water protection.
Volunteer Spotlight: Steve, Morningside EcoFair

"For this event, I used a watershed display to explain how stormwater moves untreated pollution into standing waterways via storm sewers. I had visitors use a spray bottle to spray water on the display and move the pollution (simulated - sprinkled on to the display) from where it was to another place on the display. My work resulted in the education of attendees who visited the EcoFair. They learned more about stormwater runoff and what they could do to minimize it."
- Steve, 2014 Steward
The Capstone Project is one of the most important aspects of the Master Water Stewards Program. Projects have been everything from raingardens, dry creek beds, and cisterns to community water festivals, school workshops, and door knocking campaigns. Not only does the Capstone Project allow Stewards to apply skills they have learned in the program, it empowers them to make concrete changes in their communities.
Outreach Spotlight: Ava and Myrtle, Raingardens and Outreach at St. Luke's Presbyterian Church
"We had about 200 people at our outreach event. It was really special because it was tied in with a church service on Sunday. People that attended church here could be involved, as part of the church service, and people in the community could stop by afterward. It was really a success."
-Ava, 2014 Steward

In addition to over a million gallons of water infiltrated every year, the hard work of Master Water Stewards helps to remove harmful phosphorous and sediment from Minnesota's natural waters every single day. Through a diverse variety of installation projects, Stewards are ensuring the future safety and reliability of our water.

Ready to get involved?
Apply to Master Water Stewards today!