What is a Minnesota Water Steward?
Minnesota Water Stewards is a program that certifies and supports community leaders to prevent water pollution and educate community members to conserve and protect our waterways. The program is a partnership between Freshwater and participating cities, counties, watershed management organizations and non-profits (see a list of participating organizations here).
Wherever you live, you can make a real difference in the health of our waters.
Program Expansion and Updates
Thank you for your interest in the Minnesota Water Stewards program! We believe volunteer leadership for water is a critical piece of the puzzle to caring for water in our state. There will not be a new training in 2025 as we take the year to work on our new expanded program for 2026 and beyond. We are working to make the program more accessible and customizable to local water issues across Minnesota. You can read more about the upcoming changes here.
We Are Minnesota Water Stewards
A few years ago, we deliberately changed our name from Master Water Stewards based on feedback from partners and program participants in an effort to align with our anti-racist values. We are committed to maintaining a high level of training for all Stewards. However, we are replacing the word “master” because of its deep, damaging connection to slavery in this country and the oppression of People of Color and Black and Indigenous communities. Adding “Minnesota” reflects our commitment to including ALL people of Minnesota in caring for water. Water is the root of the word “Minnesota” (mní is Dakota for water) and an important part of our state identity.
Ready to find out more?
Learn more about the Minnesota Water Stewards program and how you can be involved!
Everything on our streets flows unfiltered to our water- bacteria, salt, litter, sediment, fertilizer. Large amounts of polluted runoff reach our lakes and streams each year, causing flooding and algal blooms downstream. Pollutants are making our water dirtier because they are not being filtered or broken down by passing through soil. Our neighborhoods and communities are directly connected to our rivers, lakes, and streams.

As community members, Minnesota Water Stewards act as leaders to ensure that polluted runoff does not reach our waters. By installing projects and designing outreach in their neighborhoods, Stewards are effecting real change in the health of our rivers, lakes, streams and all water in the state of Minnesota.